We're part of a nationwide wave of actions sweeping 50 cities across the country on 9.22.16, the #RentersDayofAction! Read here about national actions including marches, banner drops, sit-ins, land occupations, and civil disobedience... and check out the national Facebook event for up-to-the-minute reports and coverage.
Here in Boston, City Life/Vida Urbana is joining with our local Right to the City partners in a MASS ACTION bringing together renters, homeowners, and homeless folks.
4pm Kickoff Rally - Greater Boston Real Estate Board, One Center Plaza (across from Gov Ctr Station)
Target: Real estate industry lobbying group that opposes #JustCause4Eviction, declaring "Gentrification is a sign of economic strength. It's a good thing."
4:20pm Call to Action - Boston Redevelopment Authority, City Hall Plaza
Target: City planning agency that's imposing rezoning on neighborhoods, promoting luxury development rather than affordable housing that would respect residents' #Right2Remain
4:30pm March & Protest – Millennium Place, Downtown Crossing
Target: Corporate speculators who our economy rewards at the expense of working-class people - the head of Lonestar made billions off the backs of foreclosed homeowners, renounced U.S. citizenship to dodge taxes, and bought the penthouse for $30mil #StopCorporateGreed
5pm Closing Rally - Parcel 26, Chinatown (Albany St at Kneeland St)
Target: State and local governments controlling the redevelopment of publicly-owned land in communities devastated by displacement who demand #PublicLand4PublicGood
6pm Afterparty & Action - Necco Ct, S Boston (just over Summer St bridge)
Target: GE, who may not have to pay property taxes or rent at its future home here, thanks to hundreds of millions in state & city tax breaks #BostonNotForSale
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