Tony Davis - City Life/Vida Urbana
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Tony Davis-If Everybody Does A Little, No One Has To Do A Lot

$495.00 raised
GOAL: $700.00

Hi.  My name is Tony Davis, and I am nine years old.  I am going to the fourth grade at The Richard J. Murphy School in Dorchester.  My favorite subject is math.
I am a member of Greater Victory Temple Church, where I am being groomed to love unconditionally. Even though I am the baby of 16 children, I was born to lead! 
I will be a leader in my class.

I am a young leader at City Life Vida Urbana, where I love to participate, recite the sword and the shield statement, and share ideas about fighting the banks and their unfair practices.


I am similar to Dr. Martin Luther King because I am Determined!
I am determined to make a difference.

My name is Tony Davis and I Fight for Justice!

I am also known as TinyMoney. I am all about change!

I believe if everybody does a little no one does a lot. Practicing this will give us:
A victory over negativity 
A victory over nonsense
A victory over negotiation with our Banks, our schools, our spouses and our health

Together, we can build a community where everyone can live in peace and harmony. A place where every child can grow and become as great as they can be.

I believe when we fight for our rights, we seek Justice for ourselves and our community.

There is nothing we can't do when we believe. 

The Future President of the United States.