VICTORY for Dorchester Renters Fighting Eviction amid Luxury Housing Boom - City Life / Vida Urbana

VICTORY for Dorchester Renters Fighting Eviction amid Displacement Crisis

After more than 18 months of fending off no-fault evictions, our leaders Tunde Kunnu and Jean Paul Doh are now free from the threat of eviction!

Greg McCarthy, their landlord, tried to "clear out" their entire apartment building at 6 Humphreys Place in Dorchester by issuing no-fault eviction notices.

But with support from the incredible lawyers at Harvard Legal Aid Bureau and City Life/Vida Urbana's deep community organizing, these brave fighters WILL NOT BE EVICTED!

Thanks to the hundreds of you who signed their petition, rallied in Dorchester, spoke out to McCarthy at a public hearing, and showed solidarity in housing court!

Read the Dorchester Reporter's excellent coverage of their powerful victory.