VICTORY for Dorchester Grandmother Facing No-fault Eviction - City Life / Vida Urbana

VICTORY for Dorchester Grandmother Facing No-fault Eviction

INCREDIBLE NEWS! Ms. Rosa Poincy, a Dorchester grandmother and Section 8 renter at the Baker Chocolate Factory apartments has WON A NEW LEASE after facing imminent no-fault eviction.

How did Rosa's victory happen?

First, Rosa made the courageous decision to speak out for her home, instead of just packing her bags. Then, YOU signed a petition that garnered over 1200 supporters. Next, we held a beautiful and strong vigil and rally in front of Rosa's apartment, where Rosa made it clear that *she wasn't going anywhere*. Groups like Dorchester Is Not for Sale, Dorchester People for PeaceRight to The City Boston and the City's Department of Neighborhood Development joined Rosa's clarion call for justice.

But what was the magic sauce? Rosa took a risk. She believed that if she stood up, the community would rise with her. AND WE DID!

Every day, we see low-income families of color getting pushed out of Boston's overheated housing market for no fault of their own, due only to real estate greed. But we can, and do, win homes back.

NEXT STEP: JOIN OUR ACTION ALERT LIST to participate in other actions (and more victories!) for housing justice.