Video: Call MA Legislators, say YES on Jim Brooks Act and Racial Justice!
Celebrate Black history and take action for racial justice! Honor the legacy of one of Boston's greatest leaders for housing justice, the late Jim Brooks. Then TAKE ACTION - MAKE CALLS to the MA State legislators to SUPPORT the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act. And turn on the volume for this video - you won't want to miss the beautiful song in it. #YesOnJimBrooks
Housing Justice Advocates Pack State House Hearing on Jim Brooks Act
Read the wrap-up of our State House hearing on the Jim Brooks Act in Banker and Tradesman! ThenMake calls to PASS the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act TODAY! Find numbers here: #YesOnJimBrooks
How to Stop The Bleeding: Our Organizer, Steve Meacham, on Answers to The Displacement Crisis
How can we stop the displacement crisis? Steve Meacham, our longtime Community Organizer, talks about REAL ANSWERS on the nationally-syndicated podcast Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon. LISTEN HERE:
City Realty Tenants Speak Out on Fox 25 News
Latino families facing eviction by City Realty Group at 26 School Street in Egleston Square joined with City Realty's other tenants who are also facing displacement just a few blocks away - El Embajador Dominican Restaurant and De Chain Auto Service. Fox 25 News covered the story after 200+ JP and Roxbury neighbors flooded the streets on November 21st, marching to the restaurant for an "eat-in" to support the 26-year-old local, Latino-owned business. Watch here:
City Life/Vida Urbana in Shelterforce Magazine
Our victory with Right to The City Boston in passing the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act made national news! Check out this article on the growing national renters rights movement in Shelterforce.
Victory for Jim Brooks Act covered by Spare Change News
Spare Change News covers the landmark passage of the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act by the Boston City Council. The Act now heads to the MA state legislature, where a swift passage is crucial. #WhenWeFightWeWin!
Victory for Jim Brooks Act covered by Boston Neighborhood Network
More coverage of the Boston City Council passing the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act! Watch below from Boston Neighborhood Network.
VICTORY: Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act passed by Boston City Council!
WE WON! On Friday, October 6th, 2017, the Jim Brooks Community Stabilization Act was signed by Boston's mayor. This took almost 3 years of organizing - we testified at City Council hearings, spoke out at rallies, joined forces with other grassroots organizations, door-knocked, strategized, called our officials, produced videos, spread the word on social media, and pushed a city-wide popular campaign. Now we're celebrating VICTORY!
But this is a beginning, not an end. The Jim Brooks Act is a home-rule petition, so it must now pass the Massachusetts state legislature. We're organizing so that will happen ASAP. And, since this Act is one small step on the longer road to stopping Boston's displacement crisis, we're also engaging our leaders on the front-lines of the crisis to envision stronger solutions - and we're building toward those solutions. Check out our photos on Facebook by clicking below!